KCCA FC Directors and Management Trained.

By: Moses Magero

Kampala Capital City Authority Football Club (KCCA FC) directors on Wednesday underwent training in Governance and Leadership.

KCCA board of Directors led by chairman Julius raymond Kabugo (front) attending training on Governance and the role of the Board of Directors at the KCCA Leadership training Centre, in the background is director Tom Lwanga 

The One day training which took place at the KCCA leadesrship training Centre at City Hall focused on Governance, leadership and the role of the Board of Directors of a company/organisation!

We are committed to enhancing the capacity of our Directors, Management and all staff at the Club and this is one of the very many we are planning to have in the near future.

KCCA FC Board Chairman Julius Raymond Kabugo told www.kccafc.co.ug before adding.

We are aspiring to be the very best and skilling of our team is core to achieving this

The training was attended by Chairman Julius Raymond Kabugo, Directors Aggrey Ashaba, Tom Lwanga, Ali Nganda Mulyanyama, and George Opio Okello.

KCCA FC chief executive officer David Tamale attending the KCCA Training on Governance and the role of the Board of Directors at the KCCA Leadership training Centre

Also in attendance were the Board Secretary and Lawyer Davies Othieno and KCCA FC Chief Executive Officer David Tamale.

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